
Potato bonda (urulakkizhangu bonda)

October 06, 2011

ഉരുളകിഴങ്ങ് ബോണ്ട


Potatoes              : 2 medium size
Onions                : 1
Green chillies      : 2
Cumin seeds       : a pinch
Curry leaves
Coriander leaves
Besan                : 2 tbsp
Rice powder     : 1tbsp
Chilli pdr           : 1/4tsp
Oil for frying 


Boil potatoes, remove the skin and lightly mash it. .   Heat 1 tbsp of oil in a kadai add cumin seeds when it pops add chopped onion and saute for a while. Then add green chillies , curry leaves and mashed potato. Add chopped  coriander leaves and  mix well. 

 Make small lemon sized balls and keep aside

Mix besan, rice flour,salt and chilli pdr together with little water ( dosa batter consistency).

 Dip the potato balls in this batter one by one.

Heat oil in a kadai. Then drop the potato balls carefully into the hot oil. Fry it till golden brown.

Tasty potato bonda is ready!!


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Pot logo by Sma-Rtez , used under the Creative Commons license