
Chilli gobi

January 07, 2015


Cauliflower                  : 1/2
Onion                           : 2
Green chillies               : 3
Capsicum                     : 1/2
Corn flour                    : 1tbsp
Soy sauce                     : 1tbsp
Chilli pdr                     : 1/2tsp
Ginger garlic paste      : 2tsp
Salt for taste
Oil  for frying


Seperate the florets of cauliflower, wash it in hot water.  Marinate it with 1tsp ginger garlic paste, salt, soy sauce, chilli pdr and mix with corn flour.
Dice half onion into cubes and chop the other half.
Heat oil in a kadai and fry the cauliflower till light brown.

  Keep it in a paper towel. In the same oil fry onion dices and capsicum lightly and remove from fire.
Heat one tablespoon of oil in a kadai and saute the chopped onion and ginger garlic paste. Then add the green chillies and soya sauce.

Mix with the fried cauliflower, onion and capsisum. Serve it hot!

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