Kambu(Bajra) puttu

March 12, 2014


Kambu                        : 1 cup
Rice powder               : 2 tbsp
Salt to taste
Coconut scrapings     : 3 tbsp


Powder kambu coarsely in a mixie.  Mix rice powder and salt to this and sprinkle water to make it wet and mix well with your finger tips. Take a handful of this mixture and press it between your fist it should hold its shape, when pressed hardly it should crumble. This is the right consistency of puttu maavu. There should not be any lumps.

Take a puttu kutti and add a tbsp of the grated coconut, then put two handful of the kambu mixture and again a tbsp of grated coconut and again kambu mixture and finally coconut gratings.

Remove the weight from the pressure cooker and boil a cup of water close the lid and place the puttu kutti on top of that. The steam will start coming through the holes and that means the puttu is ready.
Reduce the flame and wait for one more minute and switch off the stove. Remove the puttu by pushing with a skewer to a plate.  Serve it with Kadala curry !

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