Manga chummanthy (Mango chutney)

January 05, 2017

മാങ്ങാ ചമ്മന്തി 


  • 1/2 cup Grated coconut                           
  • 1/2 Raw mango                                
  • 3 nos Red chillies                                 
  • Salt to taste
  • 1/4 pc Ginger   (optional)                                      


  • Take the red chillies and show it over the flame to burn. Put all the ingredients in the mixie and grind it together.  Adjust the chillies  according to your taste... 
  • Tasty chammanthy is ready!!

  • Nice combination with steamed rice, kanji etc.
  • You can also use green chillies instead of red chillies.

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