Beetroot chenna upperi

Beetroot chenna upperi

February 28, 2012

à´¬ീà´±്à´±്à´±ൂà´Ÿ്à´Ÿ് à´•à´Ÿà´² ഉപ്à´ªേà´°ി


Beetroot                     : 1 medium size
Black chenna             : 1/2 cup
Mustard seeds           : 1 tsp
Urad dal                    : 1 tsp
Chenna dal                : 1 tsp
Green chillies            : 2nos
Turmeric pdr             : a pinch
Grated coconut          : 1/2 cup
Salt to taste
Oil as required
Curry leaves 1 sprig


Soak chenna in water for 6 hours.  Cook it in a pressure cooker till it is soft and keep aside.

Wash, peel and cut beet root into small cubes.  Heat oil in a kadai, add mustard seeds when it splutters add urad dal, chenna dal. When it changes the colour add curry leaves, chopped green chillies and saute for a while. Now add the beet root pieces, salt and turmeric pdr, mix well and sprinkle little water and close the vessel, allow it to cook  for 5 mins. Drain the chenna and add this and mix well. Finally add the grated coconut. The upperi is ready !!

meen curry in coconut milk

meen curry in coconut milk

February 22, 2012

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Fish (king fish or any fleshy fish)   : 1/2 kg
Tamarind                                        : 1/2 lemon size ball
Kashmiri chilli pdr                         : 2 tbsp
Coriander pdr                                 : 1 tsp
Turmeric pdr                                  : a pinch
Tomato                                           : 1 small
Shallots                                          : 10 nos
Green chillies                                 : 2
Onion                                             : 1no
Garlic                                             : 2 cloves
Ginger                                            : 1/2 "pc
Salt to taste
Coconut oil                                    : 2 tbsp
Curry leaves                                  : 1 sprig
Lime juice  of half a lemon


Clean and wash the fish and marinate with a pinch of turmeric pdr, salt and lime juice and keep aside.
Soak tamarind in one and half  cup of water for 30 mins and extract the juice . You can also use kudampuli (2 pcs)  instead of tamarind. In that case just add it as it is and add one and a half cup of water.
Roast fenugreek seeds in a tawa and powder it.
Chop shallots, garlic and ginger into small pieces. Slice onion into thin slices.
Slit green chillies lengthwise.

 Heat 3 tbsp of oil in a thick bottomed pan (or use a meen chatti) and add garlic, ginger, shallots, sliced onion  and slit green chillies. Saute it till the onion become light brown in colour.

Now add the chilli pdr, fenugreek pdr, coriander pdr, turmeric pdr  to this and saute again.

Now add chopped tomato and saute for a while and add the tamarind extract and salt, let it boil for 3 mins.

Mix 3tbsp of coconut milk powder with 1/2 cup of warm water and add this to the curry. Cook for 1 more min in a low flame.

                                Now add the fish pieces to this and let it boil for 2 more mins.

                             Remove from fire, add curry leaves and 1 tsp of raw coconut oil(optional).

                                           It goes well with steamed rice!!

meen curry

meen curry (fish curry)

February 20, 2012

à´®ീà´¨്‍ à´•à´±ി


  • 1/2 kg Sardines or mackeral             
  • 1 big lemon size Tamarind                               
  • 2 tbsp Kashmiri Chilli pdr                               
  • 3 tbsp Coriander pdr                       
  • 1/4 tsp Turmeric pdr                          
  • a pinch Fenugreek seeds                    
  • 6 nos Shallots                                  
  • 4 cloves Garlic                                    
  • 1"pc Ginger                                   
  • 1 cup Grated coconut                      
  • 2 Green chillies  slit lengthwise                     
  • 2 sprigs Curry leaves                          
  • 3 tbsp Coconut oil                            
  • 1 big Onion                                     
  • 1 big Tomato                                    
  • 1 tsp Lime juice                               
  • Salt to taste


Soak tamarind in 1 cup of water for 30 mins and extract the juice from it and keep aside.
Clean and wash the fish. Marinate it with a pinch of turmeric pdr, 1/2 tsp salt and 1 tsp lime juice for 20 mins.
Heat 1/2 tsp oil, add fenugreek seeds till it changes to light brown colour, reduce the flame and add chilli pdr, coriander pdr till the raw smell goes. Grind this with shallots, ginger and garlic to a paste and keep aside.
Chop onion and saute it in oil till light brown. Add the ground masala to this and saute it for 5 mins. Then add the chopped tomato and saute again till the tomatos become soft. Now add the tamarind extract, turmeric  pdr and salt and boil it for 5 min. Put the green chillies to this.
Grind coconut to a smooth paste and add this to the curry and boil it for 2 mins and add the fish to this and cook for 3 mins till the fish is done.
Add curry leaves to this and serve it with steamed rice.

fish fry

Meen porichathu (Fish fry)

February 20, 2012

Meen porichathu:


Here I used seer fish for this purpose. Any fish such as Pomfret, King fish, Sardines or Mackerals also can fry like this.

Seer fish                      : 4 thin slices
Kashmiri chilli pdr     :  1 tsp
Pepper pdr                  : 1 tsp
Ginger                        :1/4"pc
Garlic                         : 2 cloves
Turmeric pdr              :1/4 tsp
Salt to taste
Oil as required
Lemon juice               : 1 tsp


Grind the garlic and ginger with all the masala powders and salt together.
Cut the  fish into thin slices and wash it well.  Then marinate the fish slices with the masala and lime juice. Keep it for 1 or  2 hours in fridge.

Heat  a nonstick pan  apply a little oil and place the fish on the  pan. Turn the fish pieces frequently till it turns golden brown colour.  Serve it hot with onion, lemon wedges etc.

You can also deep fry this in hot oil till golden brown. But tawa fried fish needs less oil, so here I tried that.

Gulab jamoon

Gulab jamoon

February 18, 2012


MTR Gulab jamoon mix                    : 1 pkt 200gm
Sugar                                                  : 3/4 kg
Cardamom                                          : 5 nos
Ghee                                                   : 1 tsp
Water                                                  : 3/4 ltr
Oil for deep frying


In a large pan take sugar, water and ground cardamom and bring it to boil for 1 minute and keep aside.

In a bowl mix the gulab jamoon mix , just  enough water and ghee to make a soft dough. Keep it for 20 mins and make small lemon sized balls with it.

Heat oil  in a kadai and reduce the flame, fry it slowly till golden brown, batch by batch.

Put it in the sugar syrup. Chill it  and serve it!

kaaya mezhukkupuratti

kaaya(raw banana) mezhukkupuratti

February 16, 2012

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Raw banana                    : 2 nos
Green chillies                 : 5 (slit lengthwise)
Mustard seeds                : 1 tsp
Turmeric pdr                  : a pinch
Coconut oil                    : 2 tbsp
Salt to taste


Cut banana into small cubes and put it in water with a pinch of turmeric powder.
Heat oil in a kadai add mustard seeds, when it splutters add green chillies and saute for 1 min. Drain the banana and wash once more in clean water, drain and put it in the kadai. Add salt,  a pinch of turmeric pdr and little water and mix well. Close with a lid and let it cook for 5 mins in slow fire. Open the lid and mix well and sprinkle little more oil to this and fry it in low flame for 3 more mins.

Methi curry

Methi (uluva cheera) curry

February 15, 2012


Methi leaves                             : 1/2 bunch
Tomato                                     : 1
Onion                                       : 1 chopped
Tamarind                                  : small lemon size
Chilli pdr                                  : 1 tsp
Coriander pdr                           : 2 Tsp
Turmeric pdr                            : a pinch
Methi seeds                              : a pinch
Grated coconut                         : 1 cup
Shallots                                     : 5 nos
Garlic                                        : 2 pods
Salt to taste
Oil                                             : 2 tbsp


Wash and chop methi leaves and saute it for 2 mins.  Grind it roughly to a coarse paste and keep aside.
Soak tamarind in 1 cup of water for 10 mins, extract the juice  and keep aside.
Heat 1 tsp of  oil, add methi seeds fry it till it becomes light brown in colour, reduce the flame and add chilli pdr and coriander pdr roast it till the raw smell goes and remove from fire. Grind it  with shallots and garlic to a paste and keep aside.
Grind the coconut to a smooth paste and keep aside.
Heat  1 tbsp of oil and saute the chopped onion till it changes to light pink colour and add the ground masala and saute again for 2 mins. Now add the tomato chopped and saute till it becomes soggy. Add the methi paste and saute for 1 more min. Then add the tamarind extract, turmeric pdr and salt , let it boil for 3 mins. Finally add the coconut paste and boil it for 2 mins and remove from fire.  It goes well with steamed rice!  

Rajma masala

Rajma masala

February 10, 2012

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Rajma                            : 1 cup
Onion                            : 2 medium size
Green chillies                : 2
Ginger                           : 1/2" piece
Tomatoes                       : 2 chopped
Turmeric pdr                 : a pinch
Chilli pdr                       : 1 tsp
Coriander pdr                : 2 tsp
Garlic                            : 2 pods
Salt to taste
Oil as required


Soak rajma for 3 hours. Drain this and cook in a pressure cooker adding 2 cups of water till it become soft, keep aside.
Grind onion, green chillies, ginger and garlic to a coarse paste. Heat 3 tbsp of oil in a non stick kadai, add the onion paste to this saute well till it reduces the quantity and leaves from the sides of the kadai. Now add the chilli pdr, coriander pdr and turmeric pdr and saute in a low flame till the raw smell goes. Then add the chopped tomatoes and saute well till it become soft and soggy.  Now add the cooked rajma along with the water to this and add salt  and mix well. Keep it in low flame stirring occasionally till it become a thick gravy.  Goes well with chappathi, paratha etc

idli upma

idli upma

February 10, 2012

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Left over idlis                   : 4
Shallots                             : 5 chopped
Green chillies                   : 2 chopped
Coconut oil                       : 3 tbsp
Mustard seeds                  : 1 tsp
Urad dal                           : 1 tsp
Hing                                 : a pinch
Chilli pdr                         : a pinch
Curry leaves                     : 1 sprig


Crumble the idli pieces and just sprinkle little bit of chilli pdr to this, mix well and keep aside.

Heat oil in a kadai, add mustard seeds, when it pops up, add curry leaves, chopped shallots and chopped green chillies and saute till the shallots become transparent.

Now add the asafoetida powder and crumbled idli pieces and mix well. Fry this for 3 mins in a reduced flame. If it is too dry add some more oil to this and mix well.

 Garnish with coriander leaves and serve hot with coconut chutney or idli podi.  It is a tasty evening snack.

Pot logo by Sma-Rtez , used under the Creative Commons license