Puttu (steamed rice cake)

May 02, 2012



Rice flour       : 2 cups
Water              : as needed , almost half a cup
Salt to taste
Grated coconut   : 1 cup


This rice flour should not be smooth, coarsely powdered flour is good for making puttu. Nowadays puttu podi is available in market.
Mix salt in water and add it to the flour little by little. Mix well with the hand. The flour should be damped enough, but not a dough form, it should be in powdered form itself.

Take a puttukutti(the mould for making puttu, its a cylindrical vessel with a lid. Remove the weight from the pressure cooker and place it over the cooker and steam) put 2 tbsp of coconut scrapings into the mould first. Then put 2 or 3 handfuls of rice flour, then again 2tbsp of coconut and then again rice flour and on the top again put coconut and close the vessel.

After 2 mins the steam started coming from the holes on the top of the puttukutti. That means the puttu is ready. Reduce the flame and wait for 1 more min,  remove the puttukutti  from the cooker and  push  out the steaming puttu with a skewer to a plate. Have it with kadala(chick peas) curry.

To make puttupodi @ home:

 You can make fresh puttu podi at home. Soak raw  rice for half an hour. It should not soaked more. Then dry it in a muslin cloth. Then powder it in a dry mixer coarsely.  Heat a kadai and roast the powder(no oil needed) for about 10 to 15 mins till vapour starts coming up. Stir it well. Cool it and keep it in a air tight container or in a fridge and use when required.

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