Pazham Pradhaman

March 08, 2012

പഴം പ്രഥമന്‍



Nenthrapazham(Banana)          : 2 mediumsize
Thin coconut milk                    : 1 cup
Thick cococnut milk                : 1/2 cup
Jaggery                                     : 1/2 kg
Coconut pieces                         : 1 tbsp
Ghee                                         : 3 tbsp
Cardamom pdr(optional)         : 1/2 tsp


Cut fresh coconut into thin small pieces and keep aside.
Cut bananas into 3 or 4 pieces and cook in a steamer or in a pressure cooker till the banana become soft.
Let it cool and remove the skin and seeds inside. Mash it to a paste. Heat 2 tbsp of ghee in a thick bottomed vessel and add this paste and fry this for 5mins.

Boil jaggery in half  cup of water till it dissolves and filter the impurities and  add this to the fried banana paste.  Stir it frequently till it leaves the sides of the vessel. Add the coconut milk and let it boil for 5 mins. Reduce the fire and  add the thick coconut milk and remove from fire. Heat a tbsp of ghee in a pan and add the coconut pieces fry it till it becomes golden brown. Finally add this fried coconut pieces and caramom pdr. Yummy Pazham pradhaman is ready!! Serve hot or chilled.


 To make coconut milk :
Take 1 fresh coconut and grate it. In a blender add this grated coconut with 1 cup warm water and blend it for 2 mins. Take out and squeeze it. You'll get thick coconut milk.
Return it to the blender again and add 2 cups warm water and grind it for 2 mins and filter it. Then you'll get thin coconut milk.
You can buy ready made coconut milk packet
Mix 25gms cococnut milk powder with 200ml water for thin cococnut mik and
mix 25 gms coconut milk powder with 100 ml water for thick coconut milk.

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