Onion rings

March 13, 2012


  • Chenna dal powder(besan)              : 3 tbsp     
  • Rice powder                                     : 1 tbsp          
  • Chilli pdr                                         : 1/2 tsp               
  • Salt to taste                                                                  
  • Hing powder                                    : a pinch              
  • Soda bi carb                                     : a pinch        
  • Onion                                               : 1 medium size  
  • Oil for frying


  • Mix chenna dal powder, chilli pdr, salt, hing powder and soda bicarb  together with little water to make a thick batter.
  • Instead of using all these ingredients you can just  use the bajji bonda mix also.  Different brands  available  in the market. I used to buy MTR brand.
  •  Or you can use Maida instead of besan and mix with  all other ingredients to make the batter. The batter should be thick enough to cover the onion rings while dipping.

Cut Onion into thin slices and separate it into rings.

Heat oil in a kadai. Dip each onion ring in the batter and deep fry in oil till golden brown.


A nice, tasty evening snack is ready!!

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