Vadakam (Rice pappadam)

December 13, 2011


This is a palakkadan style pappadam.... very tasty rice pappadam!!


Raw rice                      : 2 cups
Sesame seeds              : 1 tsp
Cumin seeds               : 1 tsp
Water as required
Salt to taste
Green chillies             : 3 nos


Soak rice for 30 mins and grind it with chillies to a snooth paste. Keep it for 6 hrs to ferment. Better to grind previous day evening and keep aside.

Next day morning add water to make a loose batter, add salt, sesame seeds and cumin seeds. Now the batter is ready.

To make the vadakams the stand and the plates are available in the market. Take a spoonful of batter and spread it thinly on the plates, place it on the stand.

Then steam it in an idli cooker for 2 mins. (Repeat the process with the remaining batter). Take it out carefully from the plates and dry it in the sunlight.

It will dry easily as it is very thin. Dry it for 2 days and deep fry it in oil. It can be used as a snack also. We used to have it with rice, and sambhar !!

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