

November 05, 2011



Raw rice                                  : 2 cups
Jaggery                                    : 1/2 kg
(cut into small pieces)             : 1/2 cup
Banana(small)                         : 1
Cardamom   powder                : a  pinch
Ghee or oil for frying


Soak rice for 1 hour.   Grind it with jaggery and  banana to make a course batter. If it is thick just add a little water to make it medium thickness(like dosa batter). Add the coconut pieces and cardamom powder, mix well.  Heat ghee in the  appam mould and  pour the batter with a  ladle in each mould until it is half filled.

 Cook it in a slow fire  and when the bottom of the appam turns into golden brown carefully turn it upside down with a fork to cook the top portion. when it is fully cooked keep it in a paper towel to drain it.

appam mould

Repeat the process with the remaining batter.

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Pot logo by Sma-Rtez , used under the Creative Commons license