Ragi puttu / kora puttu

September 21, 2015

Ragi puttu is soft, delicious and nutritious also..  Just try this for breakfast!


Ragi                                       : 1 cup
Salt to taste
Water as needed
Grated coconut                      : 3 tbsp


Soak ragi in water for 24 hours.  Then  drain it and tie it in a cloth and hang it till it germinates.  After one or two days it will start germinating. 

Then grind it in a mixie, to make a coarse powder.

Mix salt with the powder and sprinkle water slightly and mix it or rub it with finger tips. The flour should have a crumbled texture, do not add too much water.
Take the puttu mould / puttu kutti (a cylindrical vessel with a lid) put one tablespoon of grated coconut first, then add 2 handfuls of the flour and then again coconut scrapings and then the flour, finally some more coconut scrapings and close the puttu kutti with lid. 

Take the pressure cooker, remove the weight and boil some water in it. Then place the puttu kutti over it.  When the steam starts coming  reduce flame and steam it for few more seconds. Remove from fire and push out the steaming puttu with a skewer to a plate.  Serve it with Kadala curry!!

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